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Sponsor the Herd!

Spring Campaign 2023

$14,325 raised

$20,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Sponsor the Herd!

Spring is an exciting and rewarding time at Misty Meadows Equine Learning Center. We plant seeds for future success in the form of new ideas, partnerships, and programs. We also have time to take stock of last year’s harvest, and our 2022 Annual Report is a tribute to our thriving mission to provide a nurturing environment where horses and humans work together to transform lives.

Our life-changing work would not be possible without our herd of special horses. This spring our goal is to ensure our ten horses have sponsorships to support their collective needs year-round.

Kasha Ritter, a Misty Meadows volunteer, and student shares the impact a valued member of our herd has had on her:

“Noble is simply majestic with an intuitive heart. He cares and that is obvious from the first time you meet him. When I first started volunteering, I was caught off guard at the nervousness I felt around horses. This came from my inability to think quickly on my feet, adapt and pull information from my brain like I used to be able to. I had a pretty severe head injury a few years back that I am just now feeling healed from. Noble just naturally seemed to sense where I was at and was able to offer his help and support me with my tension. He’s selfless and giving when people need it. I adore him and am so grateful he’s been a part of my story with horses.

Each horse connects with over 350 people each year helping them heal emotionally and physically. Each month, on average it costs $1,200 per horse to provide hay, grain, veterinary care, medications, supplements, hoof care, pasture, and shelter to our 4-legged partners.

If you haven’t already met all the members of our fabulous herd, plan a visit to the farm or visit our website to meet the horses that need your support. You can choose to have your donation honor a special horse you connect with or give in support of the whole herd.

There are two simple options to donate: give a recurring or a one-time gift.

Happy spring to each of you and thank you for helping us bloom!

Sarah McKay
Executive Director